Friday, January 23, 2015

Change in Leadership Role: New CEO Announcement

Dear Colleagues,

We hereby announce the appointment of David Bekart as our new Chief Executive Officer as of January 24th 2015.

David Bekart, a graduate of Harvard University with a MBA, brings over seventeen years of executive leadership experience as Chief Operating Officer of Sony Americas and Vice-President of Wal-Mart USA.

David enjoys fishing and scrabble, he is married with four children.

A company-wide meeting will be held on January 25th 2015 at 10:00am in the Town Hall Meeting room to welcome David as our new CEO. All NCU Corporation employees and teams are expected to attend the meeting.

Your presence is encouraged, a continental breakfast will be served to all attendees.

Thank you

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

Change in Leadership Role: CEO resignation

Dear Colleagues,

We hereby announce the resignation of our Chief Executive Officer Steve Novak effective January 23 of 2015. After eight years of dedicated services, Mr. Steve Novak has decided to retire and focus on personal matters.

Mr. Novak, a graduate from Yale University, will be remembered for his dedication to NCU Corporation, his ability to inspire along his leadership skills.
Steve led our firm to eight years of consecutive growth in terms of earning per share as well as profits.
NCU Corporation also experienced international growth by entering seven nations in Europe and Asia under Steve Novak's initiatives.

On the entire firm's behalf, we wish Mr. Novak the best of luck on his new journey into retirement.

A luncheon will be held on January 23 of 2015 at 11:00am in Room 224 to wish Steve good bye.

Thank you

Best regards,

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

Thursday, January 22, 2015

New Operational Procedure: Monthly Inter-Departmental Brainstorming Session

Dear Colleagues,

In an effort to improve creativity, efficiency and processes, monthly inter-departmental brainstorming sessions will be held to foster idea exchange, express thoughts and opinions about processes, operational procedures or any other work-related topic relevant to our firm.

Why should you attend these brainstorming sessions? Because the sessions will:

_ Allow all employees, supervisors and managers to freely express thoughts in an open forum

_Foster cross-functional and cross-departmental exchange of ideas, debates and compromises

_Clarify issues and generate solutions in a team effort. Improve cohesiveness in operations.

Sessions will be held the first Friday of every month at 10:00am in the Meeting room 411, beginning the month of Februray 2015.

Employees are encouraged to participate and no sign up is required.

Please post comments or feedback for continuous improvement of this new process.

Thank you

Best regards,

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

New Operational Procedure: Website to Order Supplies

Dear Colleagues,

In order to simplify and expedite the ordering of office supplies, an office supply ordering portal has been created to order supplies when needed.
Information is provided below on how and where to access the site, as well as how to complete an order. Each employee will have access to the portal at the following address:

_Employees will log in with their employee number and the password is NCUsupplies
_Select the proper category of supplies you are looking for
_Then select the supplies as well as their quantity
_Once you have selected all the items needed, you can proceed to checkout
_After you have clicked on the checkout button, lead times will be provide for each supply ordered

Please be sure to regularly verify your stock, this will avoid employees running out of supplies before placing an order. Orders, although swift, take time so plan ahead to ensure a continuous of supplies.

Your feedback and questions are welcomed.

Best regards,

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

Update of Vacation Leave Policy: Reward Program for Perfect Attendance and Punctuality

Dear Colleagues,

As an incentive and a reward to employees with perfect attendance and zero tardiness, a new policy is going to be implemented as of January 1st of 2015:

_Any employee successfully completing 90 working days without absenteeism or tardiness will earn an additional vacation day to be added to the pre-set normal number of vacation days.

This policy aims at increasing punctuality and attendance where it is lacking as well as rewarding those employees already implementing these best practices.
Absenteeism and tardiness are known causes of lost productivity and they can cause bottlenecks in day-to-day operations. Our goal is to curb these two hinderances to our firm's performance.

We welcome your feedback and your questions as we are continuously framing this new policy.

Best regards,

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

Introduction of New HR Policy: Nap Policy

Dear Colleagues,

In order to improve productivity while reducing stress, we are introducing an optional nap session for those employees who wish to sleep during mid-day break or lunch hours.
Any employee who decides to take a nap will use a one hour break in the specified nap room (recently built in Room 618 on the sixth floor).

Studies have shown that employees who take naps exhibit higher productivity and greater creativity.
Naps have been shown to also facilitate digestion and reduce stress levels in employees.
In an effort to improve the well-being of our firm employees, we wish to introduce this practice at NCU Corporation.

Attached are two links to scientific articles supporting our assertions:

Power Naps: Napping Benefits, Length, and Tips - WebMD

Benefits of napping in healthy adults

We wish to remind everyone that this policy is not a mandatory policy and every employee is free to choose whether they want to engage in this activity or not.
Employees who wish to participate in the program should sign up at the HR office and fill out a schedule to be approved by their respective manager.

Nap sessions will begin on Monday, February 2nd of 2015.

Your questions and feedback are welcome as the framing of this new policy is an ongoing process.

Best regards,

El Hadji Beye
Director of Human Resources
NCU Corporation
1600 Northeast Parkway,
Atlanta, GA 30319
Phone: 404-569-7475

Soong, J. (2011, November 29). Power Naps: Napping Benefits, Length, and Tips - WebMD. 
             Retrieved January 22, 2015, from

Milner, C. E., & Cote, K. A. (2009). Benefits of napping in healthy adults: impact of nap length, time of day, age, and experience with napping. 
             Journal of Sleep Research, 18(2), 272. doi:10.1111/j. 1365-2869.2008.00718.x